
9th July 2017

If you wish to read this week's bulletin please click on the link below to read a pdf version of it.

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Here is a text version of our announcements:

Calendar of Events: - before attending please ALWAYS check against troychurch.net/calendar


9th – 15th – S.O.S Week at Troy

- New items added to the calendar will appear in red font when first added

Minister’s Welcome

Good morning Church and Guests! I thank God, the Father for His grace in Christ Jesus and for the gift of His Holy Spirit. I thank Him for you and for our assembly today, for the opportunity to see His people gathered together in giving Him recognition through song, prayers and encouraging of one another.

Today marks also the beginning of our SOS week and our building will become a home to 34 of God’s children going through a rough patch in life. We will be hosting 12 men, 11 women and 11 children. I believe this is the most children and families we’ve had at one time. Let us show them the grace that God has shown us in a warm welcome, into a building they can call home for the next week.

…Today we will continue to talk about God’s Grace in calling us and giving us a perfect grade while we deserved a failing grade. I pray that the word today will take seed in your hearts and spring into joy in the Spirit and in the love of our Father and God. If you are a guest today, we thank you for joining us and pray God’s peace over you!

This Wednesday – July 12th – Fish Fry - SOS

As this week, our congregation is hosting SOS we will not be having our regular Wednesday schedule. On Wednesday, our congregation is responsible for dinner and Jeremy Parent and Diane Flatt will be coordinating a Fish Fry for our guests and congregation.


The dates for our VBS are August 7th through 11th and I hope you are making plans to be a part of it, no matter how small a part. The theme is that of pioneers trailblazing and settling the West. We are trying to gather all items that could help our decors; western country clothing, hats, wagon wheels, fake plants, fake rocks, antique pots, anything that would help us transform our auditorium into a pioneer’s camp.


Today we start our SOS week. Please stay and help with the setup of the building after the morning services. We still need volunteers so please let Manu know if you are willing to fill out some spots (overnight security, cleaning, helping Lisa & Beth pack lunches, driving, shower coordinators in the parsonage home). Thank you in advance for your support!

SOS Fellowship

Please come throughout the week as often as you can and spend time with our guests. If there are special things you want to do with them or for them that is greatly encouraged, but most of all, this is our opportunity to let them see Christ in a light they’ve not seen before.

Cleaning of the Building

I want to thank the Oja Family for their long time, faithful service to this congregation in the cleaning of the building. We will miss them around here when they move to join Todd and the family.

We are in need of weekly cleaning services for the building and most likely we will be looking for a professional cleaning service, however, until we find one, we may need some help. Please let the AFC or Manu know if you are willing to help with this.

 Assembly Leaders for July

Greeters: Keith & Lora  

Welcome: Elder

Communion: Keith

Prayer Room: Elder

Children’s Ministry - Wiggle Room recommended ages: 5 and under (Room 104)

TODAY – Wiggle Room: Need volunteer

July 16th - Wiggle Room: Need volunteer

Bulletin Date: 
Sunday, July 9, 2017