
13th September 2020 Bulletin

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Here is a text version of our announcements:

Calendar of Events: - before attending please ALWAYS check against troychurch.net/calendar


14th – Bible Reading – Isaiah – 7:30 PM via Zoom.com

16th – Family Time – 6:00 PM @ the church building

16th – Peak of the Week – 7:00 PM – church building & Zoom.com

18th – Bible Reading – Isaiah – 7:30 PM via Zoom.com

20th – Worship Service – 11:00 AM – church building & Zoom.com

- New items added to the calendar will appear in red font when first added

Minister’s Corner

Shalom aleikhem! שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם Peace be upon you!

I pray that as you read these words, the love, care and peace of God are truly upon you. The Old Testament described with such richness the desire for our Lord to be our Shepherd. The New Testament takes that message and carries it further. Even the structure of the new people called out by God, the Ecclesia, the Church, is infused with this model of care and compassion as Elders, or Shepherds are appointed through the New Testament congregation to love and care for the followers of Jesus, in the spirit of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. We are all encourage by the image of Jesus holding a lamb, by the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd but I am concerned that at times, we miss the real message of that picture, the real message of our Shepherd for exemplified in His attitude and care for each one of us. Have you experienced His care? Have you experienced His devotion? Is He your true Shepherd? If not, today is a great opportunity for you to embrace His call! His unmistakable call…Listen!

This Wednesday – September 16th – Family Time & Bible Study

This Wednesday I invite those of you who are willing to come join us at the building from 6:00 PM for our Family Time dinner. Bring your takeout or brown bag at the building and have it together with us.

From 7:00 PM we will continue our study of the Book of Isaiah corresponding with our collective Bible reading. By this Wednesday we should have read chapters 1 through 49 of Isaiah. Please send me your questions so I can prepare the lesson. Thank you.

Birthdays this week: Ryeland Oja (13th); Lauren Birdwell (15th); Mary Clary (15th) Angelo DeMaggio (15th); Parker DeMaggio (15th); Chris Appolson (17th)

Bible Reading – Tuesday & Friday – 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM

On Tuesday we will read Isaiah 47, 48 & 49 (I do have a game from 6PM so Gianna would have to start it) and on Friday, Isaiah 50, 51 & 52. Please join us from 7:30 to read God’s Word together. The Apostles and the 1st century Church were daily in the Word together.

AFC Meeting

There will be an Administrative Financial Circle meeting tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM. If any of you have any items that should be addressed in this meeting please send an email to Keith or I with an explanation and we will bring it up in the meeting.


As we come into the cold and flu season, I want to remind everyone of the heightened risk of Covid-19 infections. Please make sure to take all the necessary precautions personally to stay healthy. Don’t take or accept any guarantees. Even though Nick tries to clean the building it is best for you to come to the building with the thought in mind that there is a risk for you to come in contact with the corona virus in our building. That way you will be extra cautious and avoid any eventual possibility. If you have any of the symptoms, please stay home, self-isolate until you know for sure.


Don’t forget, for your convenience and safety you can still make your offering on line at http://www.troychurch.net/give

We will not pass an offering tray/plate around. If you want to make your offering via cash or check please place it in the offering tray/plate as you exit the auditorium. Thank you.

Bulletin Date: 
Sunday, September 13, 2020